Does He Know
Published: Mon Feb 6, 2023
Living Water
Does God ever give you something and your immediate reaction is “No thanks, thats not for me” A few years ago, I spent the summer in Hawaii. As a long boarder, I didn’t feel super comfortable traveling with my board…so I prayed and prayed hard! For three months, before I flew out, I prayed that the Lord would give me a board while I was out there. I fantasied how this board was going to look, how sick it was going to perform on it.
Two weeks into my stay, a coworker said “I don’t know why on earth, but God told me to give you this board. Like really Colbi, no on has ever surfed it but me and I can’t get it out of my head that it’s for you.” Oh heck yea! My mind was racing as He opened his trunk and revealed what I had prayed so hard for.
Hmmm… He must have heard wrong. or maybe God chose wrong. When I pictured my cruising Waikiki, this was not the board that I was on.. nothing even close. I analyzed everything that was wrong with is. Confused, I thanked him knowing that I wasn’t actually going to surf it… Maybe I’ll look on facebook for something.
Weeks went by as i borrowed other people’s boards, leaving the 9’2″ in the corner of my room. When finally, I broke down and took it out. And let me tell you, that session is one I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Every wave I caught felt like an answer to prayer. That was it, this was actually the board I’d been praying for! i had wasted all this time thinking it wasn’t right for me, when in reality it was exactly what I needed!
How often, at first glance do we turn something down just because it’s not what we dreamed of. Something that God hand picked just for us! A job, a car, a spouse? Maybe we should be more apt to give Him a chance. After all, He knows how many hairs are on our head.
Image by Eli Borgs
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