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We Are Not Promised Easy

Published: Mon Jun 17, 2024

Living Water

by Colbi Pickett, CS Girls East Coast Representative

We’ve all had at least one frustrating session in the water. (If you haven’t, then you’ve never surfed Florida waves)

My most recent fit of frustration came when I was paddling out. I overestimated myself and underestimated the drift. I was paddling for what seemed like forever and looked up to see I was about to hit the poles. (A structure at my fav surf spot). Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been close to hitting them before, but this was different. 

I was in a position where nothing I was doing was working. I couldnt make it out and if I turned around to head back to shore, I was at an even bigger risk of hitting the poles because of the drift.

At this point, I figured my best bet was to try and go back in without getting slammed. I said a quick prayer and ended back on the beach untouched.

As I walked back down the beach to try again, I started to tell God how I really felt… ” Are you freakin serious! I’m out here workin my butt off and can’t make it out! God I’m literally praying to you, this shouldn’t be this hard”. 

The Lord spoke and said, “Colbi. Is your life easy?” I mean relatively speaking yes… but there have been veryyyy difficult moments. 

He spoke again and reminded me “Just because you pray, just because you follow me, doesn’t mean every aspect of your life is going to be easy.” I knew this, I totally knew this, but for some reason I excluded surfing from that category. This revelation made me take a step back and think about what else I’m excluding… Just because I pray super hard and just because I follow Christ, what do I think will be easy in my life. Honestly, a ton of things.

I ended the session making it out and catching some amazing waves! Had that paddle out been easy, I don’t think I would have appreciated that session as much. 

James 1:2-4 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Photo by: Leason Dancaescu

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