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Our Mission

Our vision for Christian Surfers United States is that every surfer and every surfing community will have the opportunity to experience and follow Jesus Christ. Our method to help acheive that vision is fivefold. With our Chapters, we aim to connect, disciple and serve, while our National staff equips our chapters and partners with like-minded organizations who help us move toward realizing that vision.


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Christian Surfers invites people into genuine community. Our desire is to make people feel seen and to feel a part of our community. We do this by going to where surfers are and meeting them in their world. Some of the things we do to connect with surfers are weekly gatherings, chapter events, camp outs, Girls’ Gather and Grow, surfing together, and our contest series.


Our goal of discipleship looks like investing in intentional relationships that guide and model Jesus. In response to God’s love for us, we aim to pour into others so they can pour into others, and so on.


Part of our journey as believers is learning to be selfless and to live more like Jesus. That is one way we can reflect the love of Christ to the communities where we live and surf. We strive to be intentional about meeting the needs of our surf communities and beyond; locally, nationally, and globally. This part of our mission is tied closely to the Parnerships focus of our mission.

Serving is an Important Part of Our Culture Everywhere

Christian Surfers Chapters all over the United States and across the globe place a high priority on serving in the name of Christ and building connection through working alongside others. Here are just a few recent highligts

  • Christian Surfers took groups on Surf/Mission trips to Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic
  • Christian Surfers St. Augustine, FL partnered with a local church on a mission to El Salvador and served at the Log Jam Surf Contest
  • CS Hawaii partnered with One More Wave and Access Surf
  • CS Pensacola served at AutismSurfs
  • CS New Smyrna Beach served at the Rip Curl Grom Search
  • CS Virginia Beach volunteered with Teen Challenge, Life Rolls On Surf Day, and Young Life Capernaum Surf Day


Christian Surfers United States recognizes the value of ministry partners and we are always developing relationships with like-minded organizations we trust in areas where working together helps us and our partners achieve our visions. Our partners are mission agencies, surf industry and secular surf organizations, and surf media. CSUS Surf and Serve trips give surfers an opportunity to serve people in countries across the globe. These trips include our partnership with One World Health, allowing CSUS to serve in surf communities in Central America. CSUS and One World Health are currently regular partners in missions in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Some of our other partnerships include Groundswell Aid, Soul Survivor Outdoor, Autism Hope Alliance, ALEPH Surf, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Teen Challenge, Life Rolls On, Young Life Capernaum, Degree 33 Surfboards, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of NW Florida, Truth for Youth, Milk and Honey Ministries, Homes for Hope, Youth With a Mission (YWAM), One More Wave, 808 Cleanups, Ride Nature, Filters of Hope, La Red, Ninos de la Luz, and churches and surf shops in our Chapter communities. In addition, all of our CS National Gatherings include a service element in the communities where we meet, and local chapters also serve in their local communities.


One important role of our National staff is to equip our chapters and provide resources and support for ministry. We aim to create opportunities and platforms that empower our chapters to advance our mission. Some of the ways we do this are foundations training, a CS handbook that helps guide chapters, weekly devotions, disciple group curriculum, CS Girls’ support, event guides, regional camp outs, mission trips, national conferences, fundraising and administrative support, and missional support and consultation. This year we added new resources on our website like a calendar of events, chapter resources, and easy access to our devotions and newsletters

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