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Donate Now

Christian Surfers depends 100% on donations! Your gift will be used to support staff, local chapters, service projects, publications, scholarships and so much more! We are so blessed by your Generosity and support of our ministry to bring Jesus to Surfers and Surfers to Jesus! 

When you make a donation of any amount, you will receive our annual CS Magazine (published at the end of the year) so you can see how your gift contributed to the great work of CS!

How to Give:

Below are all of the options on where to give to within our organization.

~Click where you would like to give

~Once you are on the Giving Page, scroll down to your desired recipient. For Staff, choose staff/missionaries and then the list of staff will appear. Please click on the staff member you would like to donate to.

~Chose one time, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

~Enter in your billing information







Maui Relief Fund

Weekly Devotional

Enter in your information below to “Stay In The Pocket” with Christian Surfers United States. You will receive our weekly devotionals and updates on upcoming events and trips.

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