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Sister Surf Camp Pensacola

Published: Thu Jul 27, 2023

Category: Local

Trip/Event Date:

This July, Christian Surfer Girls Pensacola hosted their first ever ALL GIRL surf camp!   What started as a casual vision, literally exploded over night. As word spread, we quickly had over 100 ladies of all ages signed up to attend. Feeling a little like the disciples panicking to feed the thousands with five loaves of bread, we weren’t sure if we would be able to provide for the crowd. However, just like always, God provided for us.

With the help of our local surf shops ,Innerlight and Waterboyz, along with collaboration with local churches and Glassy Day Studio (check out her surf board resin jewelry!) the camp started to fall into place.

From the perfect swell conditions, to the amount of helping hands and more, God provided everything we needed to host a surf camp that was bigger than us. 

We were able to be a part of getting many ladies and girls in the water on boards for the very first time in their life!  These brave women in our community showed up also not knowing what to expect, but willing to be bold enough to put themselves out there and try something new.

As we’ve been trying to grow our local CS Girls chapter over the past year, our biggest focus has been creating a safe space for women of all ages to feel comfortable to show up for what can be an intimidating activity and atmosphere.  Having a tribe of sisters where they can feel overwhelming support to take that step out of their comfort zone is what we hope to continue to provide for the girl surf tribe as a whole.

Our theme verse for the camp was Psalms 18:16—“He reached down from up high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.”

We felt this verse provides so much comfort for all surfers, but especially those just beginning. The waters can be unpredictable and frightening at times.  So can life.  This verse speaks His love and protections over our lives.  He is here to rescue us, always. Sister Surf camp was a big day for our CS chapter, as well as for our surfing community. Some were taught surf lessons that day, some were taught faith lessons. But we all were experiencing God.

Already so stoked for the next one!

Dana White – CS Pensacola

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