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Fish Out Of Water

Published: Mon Mar 6, 2023

Living Water

by David Nehrig, CSUS National Director

Have you ever been in a spot where you felt like a fish out of water? The feeling where you can feel your body drying up from not being in the water? Have you felt your temper run shorter than normal because you need to get your salt water fix? Have you gone way too long without surfing that you can’t even think straight? You are not alone. I have felt all these feelings.

Every year we get the wonderful opportunity to join one of my sisters’ family up in the mountains for a super fun weekend in the snow. Now I have to be honest, I am a beach person and snow is not typically my jam. I mostly go because I really enjoy time with my sister’s family and 1 day on the slopes a year is good for me. A couple weeks ago, we were driving up for our annual trip to the mountains. As we drove away from the coast, I could already feel my skin starting to dry out; my body starting to crave the salt water. The weekend’s forecast of combo swell and sunny skies, I continually had to force out of my mind. As I drove through the desert, my mind couldn’t help but think about Jesus and the time he spent in the desert. He was away from family, friends, food, and that is when Satan came to tempt him. Jesus was able to stand strong against the temptations of the ultimate deceiver by speaking the truth of God’s word. I love what Jesus said in Matthew 4:10 “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”

Our theme this year for Christian Surfers is “Stay in the Pocket.” We want to encourage each and every one of us to remain connected to our Heavenly Father. One of the best ways to do that is to stay in God’s word on a daily basis. That way when Satan tempts you or tries to get you off course, you can respond to him by quoting scripture. Just like Jesus did. 

Let’s remain in the Father even when we are out of place feeling like a fish out of water or a surfer in the snow. We don’t want to get to a place where we feel dried up but rather fully saturated in the love of Jesus.

Image by Solveig Jobbins

Weekly Devotional

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